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Lists of Scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus on global warming - Zensur auf Wikipedia


Diese Seite in der englischen Wikipedia wurde am 19. November 2019 gelöscht. Quellen:

Um die Strategie von Wikipedia zu durchkreuzen und das beeindruckende Ausmass der wissenschaftlichen Opposition gegen die IPCC-Ideologie anschaulich zu machen, wurde die Seite hier reproduziert. Einer der Proteste in Wikipedia gegen die Löschung bringt es auf den Punkt: "Dies ist ein wichtiger, seit langem bestehender Artikel, der den im Wesentlichen permanent manipulierten Artikeln über das Klima ein kleines Stückchen Ausgewogenheit hinzufügt."

Die Liste ist nicht vollständig, insbesondere aus Europa fehlen Wissenschaftler, und könnte bei Gelegenheit aktualisiert werden. Hinweise bitte über die Kontaktseite.


Scientists questioning the accuracy of IPCC climate projections


These scientists have said that it is not possible to project global climate accurately enough to justify the ranges projected for temperature and sea-level rise over the 21st century. They may not conclude specifically that the current IPCC projections are either too high or too low, but that the projections are likely to be inaccurate due to inadequacies of current global climate modeling.



  • Garth Paltridge, retired chief research scientist, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research and retired director of the Institute of the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre, visiting fellow Australian National University.



  • Susan Crockford, Zoologist, adjunct professor in Anthropology at the University of Victoria.

  • Ross McKitrick, professor of economics and CBE chair in sustainable commerce, University of Guelph.

  • Patrick Moore, former president of Greenpeace Canada.

  • Denis Rancourt, former professor of physics at University of Ottawa, research scientist in condensed matter physics, and in environmental and soil science.



  • Fritz Vahrenholt, German politician and energy executive with a doctorate in chemistry.



  • Hendrik Tennekes, retired director of research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute.



  • Ivar Giaever, Norwegian—American physicist and Nobel laureate in physics (1973).

  • Steven E. Koonin, theoretical physicist and director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University.



  • Nils-Axel Morner, retired head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics Department at Stockholm University, former chairman of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution (1999-2003).

  • Peter Stilbs, professor of physical chemistry at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.4


United Kingdom

  • David Bellamy, botanist.

  • Lennart Bengtsson, meteorologist, Reading University.

  • Piers Corbyn, owner of the business WeatherAction which makes weather forecasts.

  • Michael J. Kelly, Prince Phillip Professor of Technology at the Department of Engineering, Cambridge University.

  • Philip Stott, professor emeritus of biogeography at the University of London.


United States

  • Judith Curry, professor and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

  • Robert E. Davis, Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia.

  • Joseph D'Aleo, past Chairman American Meteorological Society's Committee on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, former Professor of Meteorology, Lyndon State College.

  • Freeman Dyson, professor emeritus of the School of Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study; Fellow of the Royal Society

  • Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan emeritus professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and member of the National Academy of Sciences.

  • Craig Loehle, ecologist and chief scientist at the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement.

  • Harrison Schmitt, geologist, Apollo 17 astronaut, former US senator.

  • Anastasios Tsonis, distinguished professor of atmospheric science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.


Scientists arguing that global warming is primarily caused by natural processes


These scientists have said that the observed warming is more likely to be attributable to natural causes, rather than to human activities. Their views on climate change are usually described in more detail In their biographical articles.



  • William Kininmonth, meteorologist, former Australian delegate to World Meteorological Organization Commission for Climatology.

  • Jennifer Marohasy, an Australian biologist, former director of the Australian Environment Foundation.

  • lan Plimer, professor emeritus of mining geology, the University of Adelaide.



  • Timothy Ball, historical climatologist, and retired professor of geography at the University of Winnipeg.

  • lan Clark, hydrogeologist, professor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa.

  • Tad Murty, oceanographer; adjunct professor, Departments of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa.

  • Tim Patterson, paleoclimatologist and professor of geology at Carleton University in Canada.

  • Jan Veizer, environmental geochemist, professor emeritus from University of Ottawa.







  • Nir Shaviv, professor of physics focusing on astrophysics and climate science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.




New Zealand

  • Doug Edmeades, soil scientist, officer of the New Zealand Order of MerIt.

  • Ole Humlum, professor of geology at the University of Oslo.





  • Vibjörn Karlén, professor emeritus of geography and geology at the University of Stockholm.

  • Tom Segalstad, geologist; associate professor at University of Oslo.


United States

  • Sallie Baliunas, retired astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

  • David Douglass, solid-state physicist, professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester.

  • Don Easterbroak, emeritus professor of geology, Western Washington University.

  • William Happer, physicist specializing in optics and spectroscopy; emeritus professor, Princeton University.

  • David Legates, associate professor of geography and director of the Center for Climatic Research, University of Delaware.

  • Anthony Lupo, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Missouri.

  • Arthur B. Robinson, American politician, biochemist and former faculty member at the University of California, San Diego.

  • Murry Salby, atmospheric scientist, former professor at Macquarie University and University of Colorado.

  • Nicola Scafetta, research scientist in the physics department at Duke University.

  • Fred Singer, professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia.

  • Willie Soon, astrophysicist, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

  • Roy Spencer, meteorologist; principal research scientist, University of Alabama in HuntsviIIe.

  • George H. Taylor, retired director of the Oregon Climate Service at Oregon State University.


Scientists arguing that the cause of global warming is unknown

These scientists have said that no principal cause can be ascribed to the observed rising temperatures, whether man-made or natural.



  • Claude Allégre, French politician; geochemist, emeritus professor at Institute of Geophysics (Paris).

  • Antonino Zichichi, emeritus professor of nuclear physics at the University of Bologna and president of the World Federation of Scientists.



  • Pal Brekke, solar astrophysicist, senior advisor Norwegian Space Centre.


United States

  • Syun-lchi Akasofu, retired professor of geophysics and founding director of the International Arctic Research Center of the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

  • Robert Balling, a professor of geography at Arizona State University

  • John Christy, professor of atmospheric science and director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, contributor to several IPCC reports.

  • Petr Chylek, space and remote sensing sciences researcher, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

  • David Deming, geology professor at the University of Oklahoma.

  • Stanley B. Goldenberg, a meteorologist with NOAA/AOML’s Hurricane Research Division.

  • Keith E. Idso, botanist, former adjunct professor of biology at Maricopa County Community College District and the vice president of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.

  • Kary Mullis, 1993 Nobel laureate in chemistry, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method.


Scientists arguing that global warming will have few negative consequences


These scientists have said that projected rising temperatures will be of little impact or a net positive for society or the environment.

  • Indur M. Goklany, electrical engineer, science and technology policy analyst for the United States Department of the Interior.

  • Craig D. Idso, geographer, faculty researcher, Of11ce of Climatology, Arizona State University and founder of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change.

  • Sherwood B. Idso, former research physicist, USDA Water Conservation Laboratory, and adjunct professor, Arizona State University.

  • Patrick Michaels, senior fellow at the Cato Institute and retired research professor of environmental science at the University of Virginia.


Deceased scientists


These scientists published material indicating their opposition to the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming prior to their deaths.

  • August H. "Augie" Auer Jr. (1940—2007), retired New Zealand MetService meteorologist and past professor of atmospheric science at the University of Wyoming.

  • Reid Bryson (1920—2008), emeritus professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences, University of Wlsconsii+—Madison.

  • Robert M. Carter (1942—2016), former head of the School of Earth Sciences at James Cook University.

  • Chris de Freitas (194&—2017), associate professor, School of Geography, Geology and Environmental Science, University of Auckland.

  • Vincent R. Gray (1922—2018), New Zealand physical chemist with expertise in coal ashes

  • William M. Gray (1929—2016), professor emeritus and head of the Tropical Meteorology Project, Depanment of Atmospherlc Sclence, Colorado State University

  • Yuri lzrael (1930—2014), former chairman, Committee for Hydrometeorology (USSR); former director, Institute of Global Climate and Ecology (Russian Academy of Science); vice-chairman of IPCC, 2001—

  • Robert Jastrow (1925—2008), American astronomer, physicist, cosmologist and leading NASA scientist who, together with Fred Seitz and William Nierenberg, established the George C. Marshall Institute.

  • Harold ("Hal") Warren Lewis (1923—2011), emeritus professor of physics and former department chairman at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

  • Frederick Seitz (1911—2008), solid-state physicist, former president of the National Academy of Sciences and co-founder of the George C. Marshall Institute in 1984.

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